pictures of noma >> click here
NOMA, also known as “The face of Poverty” is a bacterial disease leading to tissue destruction of the face, especially the mouth and the cheek. It affects almost exclusively malnourished children in developing countries. Contributing factors may also be illnesses such as measles, scarlet fever, malaria or immunodeficiency.
At early stage, the disease can be treated with antibiotics. Later, operations are necessary to correct disfigurements and other consequences. This is often impossible for those affected, since they lack the necessary means.
Why my interest to fight against NOMA!
Since the beginning of the year 2007 I attend “NOMA-Hilfe Schweiz” as a member of the board and have visited already projects in Sokoto Nigeria in February 2007. What I saw during that first trip changed my attetude compleatly. The fight against poverty and malnutrition is obvious. My bliss was the admission of NOMA-Hilfe Schweiz.
It is therefore my personal interest in the fight against this disease. It is incidental that I'm taking the opportunity during my travels, especially through West Africa, to visiting different NOMA-projects and find out how the donations have been realised into praxis.
Financial contributions to the NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ are welcomed to help finance
educational campaigns to NOMA patients! Please send your donation order to:
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank, 8700 Küsnacht ZH
Beneficiary Name: NOMA-Hilfe Schweiz, Erlenbach, Switzerland
IBAN no.: CH34 8148 1000 0035 5232 0
Newspaper articles of NOMA-Hilfe Schweiz:
- Zürichseezeitung - 26.03.2010 >> click her
- Zürichseezeitung - 26.03.2010 >> click her
- Tagesanzeiger - 26.03.2010 >> click her
- Zürichseezeitung - 01.03.2010 >> click her
- Zürcher Unterländer - 10.07.2008 >> click here
- Tages Anzeiger - 05.06.2008 >> click here
- Landbote - 22.05.2008 >> click here
- Zahnmedizin aktuell - 04.2008 >> click here
- Tagesanzeiger - 06.07.2007 >> click here
- Glückspost - 11.08.2005 >> click here
Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are
your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and
thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord
with the way things are. Compassionate toward
yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.
Lao Tse